About Casa Santa Maria
The Casa Santa Maria is a division of the Pontifical North American College in Rome. It serves as a house of continuing formation and residence for English-speaking priests who are assigned by their superiors to pursue graduate-level studies in Rome. Most residents are U.S.A. diocesan priests, though some have come from other countries and from institutes of consecrated life or societies of apostolic life.
At the Casa student-priests find a prayerful, scholarly, and fraternal atmosphere in which to carry out their special mission of service to God and the Church. Currently the Casa’s student residents come from 39 U.S. and 2 Australian dioceses. They are served by three priests who make up the pastoral leadership team assisted by a staff of dedicated religious Sisters and lay personnel.
The Casa is a very short walking distance from the Gregorian and Angelicum Universities and an easy bus ride to other Roman universities. It is conveniently situated in the heart of historic and modern Rome but is located in a 17th-century Convento – with an inner cloister and two gardens – providing a quiet respite from the pace of the shops and restaurants nearby.
Casa community life is characterized by regular personal and liturgical prayer, mutual support, and a joyful spirit of priestly camaraderie that enhances the serious academic pursuits of the residents.
Feel free to reach us by email at CSM.director@pnac.org or click here for application information.
Faithfully in Christ,
Rev. James J. Conn, S.J.