Schedule of Events

The schedule below lists events which are open to all family and friends who will be present in Rome for the diaconate ordinations.

As the 2024 diaconate ordination approaches and details are finalized, precise times and locations for the following events are subject to change. Please check back accordingly.

DateEventTime & Location
September 29
Opening Mass & light receptionPNAC, 5:30 PM
October 2
Opening Mass with Pope Francis for the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (the “Synod on Synodality”)*
Prayer Vigil for Family & Friends
St. Peter’s Square, 8:30 AM
Sant’Andrea della Valle, 5:00 PM
October 3
Ordination to the Diaconate*
Post-Ordination Reception
St. Peter’s Basilica, 10:00 AM
PNAC, To Follow Ordination
October 4
Masses of ThanksgivingVarious locations & times

* Please note that attendance at the Opening Mass for the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops and at the ordination is ticketed. Tickets are free, but must be obtained through the College. If you are a confirmed guest of one the ordinandi, he will have already requested the tickets for you. Further information will be released when available.