A word of gratitude is owed to all those who contributed to completion of the guide for the Station Churches, Procedamus in Pace, of which this internet guide provides large excerpts.
The most recent revision of this information was composed by Rev. Mr. Riley Williams ’11 and formatted for the web by Rev. Mr. Jeff Starkovich ’11.
First place in the list of thanks belongs to the editorial staff, Rev. Ryan Erlenbush ’09, Rev. Pablo Migone ’09, and Rev. Mr. Philip Smith ‘11. For the second edition, the editorial assistance of Joseph McQuaide, IV, ’11, has proven invaluable. Their help throughout this project has been a major factor in the its completion.
Thanks are also due to the authors of the previous guides published to aid those partaking in the stational liturgies, namely The Station Churches of Lent by Rev. Msgr. James P. Moroney ‘80, and The Station Churches of Rome, originally compiled by Rev. Mark J. Simeroth, ’78, expanded by Rev. Msgr. James D. Watkins, ’88, and subsequently revised by Rev. Stephen F. Nash, ’97, Rev. Mark D. Knestout, ’98, and Rev. Carter H. Griffin, ‘04.
Finally, a word of thanks to all those at the seminary who offered their support throughout this endeavor.