Library Guide

Private Collection
This is a private collection and is not open to the public. Anyone from the outside must have written permission from the Rector to use the library.

Arrangement of the Library
Rooms: The library consists of 11 rooms on two levels. On the first level there is the library office, the Pius XII Conference Room, the Circulation Room, 2 Reference Rooms, 1 lower stack room (contains books from A – BV), Copy machine room and the Reading room with current periodicals, recreational reading books and the travel library. Upstairs on the mezzanine are the bound periodicals, and 2 rooms of stacks (books from BX-Z) There are also 2 depositoes on the ground level where older books and bound periodicals are kept.

The NAC library contains approximately 68,000 books. The majority of the collection is in Theology and Scripture. Faculty and students are encouraged to request books and materials for the collection.

  • Checkouts The library has a self-checkout system. Books are checked out in the Circulation Room. Students are asked to checkout all books in case another student should need a book and ask to use it. Books are checked out for 1 month or students may set their own date.
  • Return books Returned books go on the shelving section located on the left inside the door to the Circulation Room. The books are checked in and put away by a library clerk.
  • Overdue Books Students will be routinely sent overdue notices for overdue books and contacted before they leave the college.
  • Reserve Books Teachers and students may request a book or books to be reserves. Reserve shelves are to be found in the second Reference Room on shelves appropriately marked.
  • Classification The Library of Congress, A-Z call numbers and subject headings are used to organize the collection. This library is mainly religious studies, B’s.

The OPAC (Online Public Access System), Spectrum is user friendly. Boolean searching can be done, along with subject, author, title and keyword search. The Library contains a selection of databases that are available on the library netword.

The library receives 225 periodical subscriptions. Current periodicals found in the reading room are not to be taken out. Back issues can be found under the shelving. Bound volumes are found on the balcony and in the stacks upstairs. Older bound volumes are in storage. Students must request to use these, all others are in open-stacks.

Library times are 24/7 as this is a house library and never closes! During Christmas and summer break the library is locked. Students may use their pass to enter.

Reference Rooms
There are two Reference Rooms housing the Reference Collection. Books with Yellow markings (signifying Reference) may not be checked out unless the Librarian gives permission.

Study Areas
Students are welcome to select a personal study area. These areas are given on a first-come base. Areas must be labeled with student’s name and library books that are left must be checked out.