Contact Us

If you would like to request tickets for a Papal event or have questions regarding your pilgrimage to Rome, you are very welcome to contact us directly. 

To request tickets for Papal Audiences and Masses, please include the following information:

  1. Title and full names of all pilgrims who wish to attend
  2. Your email address
  3. Your full mailing address in the U.S.
  4. The name and date of the event you wish to attend
  5. The number of tickets requested

For newly-wed couples (sposi novelli) wishing to attend a General Audience, please send us the following information:

  1. Title and full name of the Groom
  2. Title and full name (as it will be once you are married) of the Bride
  3. Your email address
  4. Your full mailing address in the U.S.
  5. Date of marriage
  6. Name and location of the church in which you were/will be married
  7. Name of the priest/deacon presiding at the wedding
  8. Date of the Wednesday Papal audience you wish to attend

When you send us an email, you should receive an automatic reply confirming that we have received it. If not, please check whether our response might have ended up in your junk mail. If this is not the case, please try to contact us again using another email address, since our email address is occasionally rejected by some email servers. 

Our email address is:

We look forward to hearing from you!