Frequently Asked Questions
In order to help you plan your pilgrimage, we have compiled a short Q&A with answers to some questions we often receive from pilgrims. If you cannot find the answer to your question here, you are very welcome to email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday General Audiences
Q: How do I request tickets for the general audience?
A: Tickets for the Wednesday General Audience can be requested by emailing us at Tickets for all events are free of charge. You can find more information about the General Audiences here and about participating as sposi novelli (newly-weds) here.
Q: When should we request tickets?
A: We kindly ask you to submit your ticket request to us 2 weeks before the Papal Audience you wish to attend, in order for us to be able to request the tickets for you from the Vatican. If there is less than two weeks to the Audience you wish to attend, please send an email to, and we can see if there has been any cancellations from other pilgrims or add you to the reserve list.
Q: What do I wear for attending a Papal Event?
A: Many pilgrims like to take the opportunity to wear their Sunday bests for the special opportunity to pray with the Holy Father.
The minimum requirement is the same as for entering any church in Rome: please dress modestly with shoulders, knees, and everything in between covered. Please note that this dress code is enforced, and that pilgrims not dressed appropriately might not be able to attend the Papal Event, even if they have tickets.
Traditionally, women used to cover their head both in church and when meeting the Holy Father. This is no longer expected, but please note that for Papal Events outdoors, you may find a head covering useful in the Roman sun.
Q: Does the Holy Father bless rosaries and other items?
A: At the conclusion of Papal Audiences, the Sunday Angelus, and Papal Masses, the Holy Father gives his Apostolic Blessing. This blessing is for you, your family, your loved ones, and any items for devotional use that you have brought with you to be blessed. If you would like items such as rosaries, crucifixes, holy cards, or medals to be blessed, you simply have to have them with you for them to be blessed. The Holy Father has the intention of blessing also all these articles when he gives his blessing.
A rosary or crucifix blessed by the Holy Father is a beautiful gift for your loved ones back home, so we strongly encourage you to take this opportunity.
Q: Where and when do I collect my ticket?
A: Tickets for the Wednesday Papal Audience are available for collection at our office on Via dell’Umiltà, 30, near the Trevi Fountain, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the evening before the audience.
Tickets must be picked up in person either by you or your representative. Unfortunately, this office is unable to mail, deliver, or e-mail tickets. If you are running late and will not be able to come to our office before 4:00 p.m., please call or email us.
Q: I attended a papal event last week. Where do I find the English translation of what the Holy Father presented?
A: The official translations of the Holy Fathers addresses can be found on the Vatican website.
The Holy Father’s teachings at the Wednesday General Audience may be found, here, sorted by date.
Q: We got a chance to greet the Holy Father! Where can we find the photos?
A: The Holy Father’s photographers publish their pictures at, where they can later be ordered. All of the money goes to the Papal Charities.

Papal Masses
Q: How do I request tickets for Mass with the Holy Father?
A: Tickets for Papal Masses can be requested by emailing us at Tickets for all events are free of charge.
Q: I am a priest and is wondering how I can request a concelebration tickets?
A: Concelebration tickets can be requested through the website of the Office of Liturgical Ceremonies: Each priest must register on this website, upload his celebret, and once the registration has been approved, can make a request for a ticket for a specific ceremony from the events menu, either using either the “Timeline” or the “Monthly View”. No priest can request more than one ticket, and each priest must submit his own request through this website.
Q: When should we request tickets?
A: We kindly ask you to submit your ticket request to us 1 month before the Papal Mass you wish to attend, in order for us to be able to request the tickets for you from the Vatican. If there is less than 1 month to the Mass you wish to attend, please send an email to, and we can see if there has been any cancellations from other pilgrims or add you to the reserve list.
Q: What do I wear for attending a Papal Event?
A: We recommend wearing your Sunday bests for the special opportunity to attend Mass with the Holy Father!
The minimum requirement is the same as for entering any church in Rome: please dress modestly with shoulders, knees, and everything in between covered. Please note that this dress code is enforced, and that pilgrims not dressed appropriately might not be able to attend the Papal Event, even if they have tickets.
Traditionally, women used to cover their head both in church and when meeting the Holy Father. This is no longer expected, but please note that for Papal Events outdoors, you may find a head covering useful in the Roman sun.
Q: Does the Holy Father bless rosaries and other items?
A: At the conclusion of Papal Audiences, the Sunday Angelus, and Papal Masses, the Holy Father gives his Apostolic Blessing. This blessing is for you, your family, your loved ones, and any items for devotional use that you have brought with you to be blessed. If you would like items such as rosaries, crucifixes, holy cards, or medals to be blessed, you simply have to have them with you for them to be blessed. The Holy Father has the intention of blessing also all these articles when he gives his blessing.
A rosary or crucifix blessed by the Holy Father is a beautiful gift for your loved ones back home, so we strongly encourage you to take this opportunity.
Q: Where and when do I collect my ticket?
A: Tickets for the Wednesday Papal Audience are available for collection at our office on Via dell’Umiltà, 30. The times for collection of tickets for Papal Liturgies will be indicated in the personal response pilgrims receive from our office.
Tickets must be picked up in person either by you or your representative. Unfortunately, this office is unable to mail, deliver, or e-mail tickets. If you are running late and will not be able to come to our office before we close, please call or email us.
Q: Where can I find an English translation of the Holy Father’s homily?
A: Translations of the homilies given by Pope Francis at Masses or other papal liturgies can be found here.

Q: I want to go to Mass in English while in Rome. Do you have any suggestions?
A: Each Sunday and on Christmas Day, there is a Mass in English offered at 9:30 a.m. at Santo Spirito in Sassia. The Mass will finish in time for you to attend the Sunday Angelus Blessing at 12 noon with the Holy Father in St. Peter’s Square. You are most welcome to attend!
Q: I would like to order a Papal Blessing on Parchment – can you help me secure one?
A: All Papal Blessings on Parchment are now distributed via the Holy See directly. Please see their page on Papal Blessings for more information.