Rome Tours with the Seminarians

Seminarians at the North American College offer tours of two papal basilicas, St. Peter’s and St. Paul Outside the Walls, and are occasional tour guides of the St. Peter’s Scavi.

The Roman basilica tours highlight the Catholic theology and spirituality which gave rise to their construction, while the tours of the catacombs explore the ancient practices of clandestine worship and burial practices of early Christians. Visitors and pilgrims will discover the multi-faceted richness of these sites and have the opportunity to venerate the relics of many of Christianity’s most important saints, most notably Peter and Paul.

St. Peter’s Basilica

The breathtaking Basilica of St. Peter’s draws pilgrims and tourists from all corners of the globe.  All visitors to the Vatican are able to enter the remarkable baroque basilica of Saint Peter, whose remains are interred under the main altar.  Its baroque architecture awakens man to the reality of the incarnation, the fact that God humbled Himself to be present among us.  The basilica also is the final resting place for many popes, the successors of Peter.  Saint Peter’s Basilica presents a rich history, stunning art, and insights into the faith.  Join us for a guided tour of the most iconic church in Christendom.

Tours of the basilica begin in front of the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica after you pass through security. Your seminarian tour guide will meet you there every Monday and Thursday at 2:30 PM wearing a Roman collar. You must go through security before meeting the group at the façade of the basilica (front of the basilica). Please note: security during high tourist season can be up to 1 hour and 30 minutes long. You are responsible for ensuring that you are through security in time to meet your seminarian guide at 2:30pm.

Tours are free of charge and generally run for approximately 90 minutes.

No reservations are needed for small groups (10 people or less). For large groups (more than 10 people), please send an email request to to set up an appointment. In such cases, additional times may be offered outside of the normal schedule.

For more information or other inquiries regarding tours, papal event tickets, or recommendations around Rome, please contact the Bishops’ Office for United States Visitors to the Vatican at

PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO tours of St. Peter’s Basilica available on Italian or American Federal Holidays. Tours of St. Peter’s Basilica are also suspended during Christmas Break, December 21, 2024- January 6 2025; Exam Period, January 17,2025 – February 16, 2025; and during Easter Break, April 11-27, 2025. There will no be tours given on the following holidays, November 1, December 8, April 25th, or May 1st. 

NB: Tours for the academic year 2024-2025 will resume the second week of October 2024 and conclude the last week of May 2025.

St. Paul Outside the Walls

Attracting pilgrims for nearly two millennia, St. Paul’s Outside the Walls is the less-visited brother basilica to St. Peter’s.  Although it is outside the old city, a visit to this basilica is well worth the trip.  By its beauty and size, it splendidly commemorates the great Apostle of the gentiles and missionary of Rome.  The Christ-centered theology and vision of St. Paul, whose physical remains rest in the heart of the basilica, are on full display in this treasure-trove of history, art, and faith.

Student-led English tours of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls will be offered offered on Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00 pm when classes are in session. Tours start on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 and end on Thursday, May 29, 2025. Exceptions are Nov. 28,2024 (Thanksgiving), from Dec. 21,2024–Jan. 6,2025 (Christmas break), from Jan. 21–Feb. 7, 2025 (Exam Period), and Apr. 13–27,2025 (Holy Week and Easter break).

Tours of the basilica begin in the courtyard. Your seminarian tour guide will meet you there at 2:50pm PM wearing a Roman collar. Tours are free of charge generally run for approximately 1 hour.

No reservations are needed for small groups (10 people or less). For large groups (more than 10 people), please send an email request to  to set up an appointment. In such cases, additional times may be offered outside of the normal schedule.

For more information or other inquiries regarding tours, papal event tickets, or recommendations around Rome, please contact the Bishops’ Office for United States Visitors to the Vatican at

Scavi Tours

[PLEASE NOTE: Scavi tours are currently suspended due to renovations. Re-opening is expected in December 2024]

Commonly known as the Scavi tour, the tour of the excavations of the necropolis beneath Saint Peter’s Basilica and the burial place of Saint Peter himself is a marvelous experience for pilgrims in Rome. For more information on the Scavi tour and its history, click here. In order to protect the archaeological site, only approximately 200 pilgrims can enter the excavations per day. Because of these restrictions, a Scavi tour usually needs to be requested at least 2 months in advance. Children under the age of 15 are not permitted to enter.

All visitors are asked to bear in mind that the environmental conditions are different underground, with a possible increase in temperature and humidity. Those suffering from health conditions that may be affected by these conditions, including claustrophobia, should not visit.

For your visit, remember that you are entering into a sacred space. Both men and women are required to dress modestly with knees and shoulders covered. Failure to do so may lead to refusal to enter the Scavi.

It is only possible to enter the Scavi in a group accompanied by a guide trained by the Excavations Office. These groups are composed of approximately 12 people and are according to language. The guided visit lasts about an hour and a half.

If you are interested in attending a tour of the necropolis lying beneath St. Peter’s with a NAC seminarian as your guide, an email can be sent directly to:  to schedule the tour. This email can be sent by the interested visitor/s or by their representative.  If the person submitting the request is not the actual visitor, it is important to include the name(s) of the visitor(s) and their e-mail address(es). Those leading groups (universities, parishes, and other groups) should send a complete list of the names of the participants and the name of their organization.  It is necessary to provide the following information:

  1. Exact number of participants;
  2. Names of participants;
  3. Language requested;
  4. Possible dates available;
  5. E-mail address 

If you have already scheduled a tour directly through the Vatican Scavi office and would like the tour to be led by a NAC guide, please simply forward the receipt that the Scavi office sent you to and the tour can be booked with a NAC guide. Please be advised that we cannot always guarantee your tour will be led by a NAC seminarian, even if you request one, due to the seminarians’ academic schedules. We will do our best, however, to make this happen for you and your group.



There are currently five Catacombs of the Ancient Christians in Rome that are available for pilgrims to visit: the catacombs of Saint Agnes, the catacombs of Priscilla, the catacombs of Domitilla, the catacombs of Saint Sebastian, and the catacombs of Saint Callixtus.
1. The catacombs of St. Sebastian: 00179 – via Appia Antica, 136 – tel. 06 788 70 35 / fax 06 784 37 45VISITING HOURS are 9:00 – 12:00 * 14:00 – 17.00 (closed on Sundays)
2. The catacombs of St. Callixtus: 00179 – Via Appia Antica, 126 – tel. 06 513 01 51 – fax 06 513 01 567VISITING HOURS are 9:00 – 12:00 * 14:00 – 17.00 (closed on Wednesdays)
3. The catacombs of St. Agnes: 00162 -Via Nomentana, 349 tel. 06 861 08 40VISTING HOURS are 9.00 – 12.00 * 16.00 – 18.00 (closed on Sunday mornings and on Monday afternoons)
4. The catacombs of Priscilla: 00199 – via Salaria, 430 – tel. & fax 06 86 20 62 72 VISITING HOURS are 9:00 – 12:00 * 14:00 – 17.00 (closed on Mondays)
5. The catacombs of Domitilla: 00147 – via delle Sette Chiese, 282/0 – tel. 06 511 03 42 / 06 513 39 56 fax 06 513 54 61VISITING HOURS are 9:00 – 12:00 * 14:00 – 17.00 (closed on Tuesdays)

For more information about each catacomb, visit the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archeaology website.